Complexity of Decisions – Part 6 of 7 (Cheerfulness)
Now that you have been through the first 5 steps in the series of Complexity of Decisions, I share a much simpler 6th of the 7 Steps today. This is a step that can truly multiply the impact of your decisions and help you achieve success. End of day, you wish to accomplish desired results for each decision you make. With each accomplishment your confidence in yourself is higher. A numbing and lingering fear of failure is a contaminator in our process of Decision making.
For the sake of convenience, I am listing the first 5 Steps shared earlier in this series:
Step 1: Discipline
Step 2: TimeLines
Step 3: Inclusiveness
Step 4: Grace
Step 5: Expectations
Step 6: Remain Cheerful
Every decision we make is designed to fulfil a deeper intent. Whether we are conscious about our intent or unconscious about it, our decision making is still operated by our Intent. It is like an operating system. For those who live unconsciously, their intent by default is rooted in fear, greed or lust. It is only through a Conscious approach that the intent becomes clear and can be placed in areas of Growth, Well Being or Self Realisation and Evolution.
An unconscious Intent will always manifest itself through every step in the decision making process and even when we will implement our decisions. Doubts, lack of faith, mistrust, anxiety, stress, impulse, impatience, feelings of victimisation, etc. will cloud us. We will need to borrow enthusiasm from external sources and use temporary emotions like will power and determination that very soon leave us drained. We lack faith and resort to tricks of manipulations. This leads to two types of behaviours, in the first scenario, we become pretentious and do everything possible in our lives to impress others. We use best of mannerisms, oratory, our skill sets, our wealth, our intellect to show to others how good and superior we are. In the second scenario, we become depressed. In both the scenarios, Real relationships with those who really matter to us suffer, leading to isolation while we are surrounded by people. Our fears get triggered and we keep thinking of ways of avoiding losses. Our feelings that others are out to get us are enhanced and we dis-engage with people. We become a pure survivor. Thereafter, all our decisions are taken purely in a mode of Survival. This entire cycle repeats itself. Decision making remains really complex.
A Conscious being knows their Intent and chooses not to function out of Fear, Greed or Lust. Once this operating system changes, complexity goes away. The entire focus is on evolving as a human and knowing oneself. Gains or losses are in the mind and are always temporary. A human on the path of Self-Realisation and Evolution (Atma Gyaan) has nothing to lose their entire life. I can witness the beauty of life where I am blessed with opportunities to do so much and keep learning and evolving. There is a cheer always in my breath. There is enthusiasm in my stride. Expectations stop mattering. Love towards people becomes a natural outlook. Their well being remains on the top of my mind.
Complexity goes away. Decision making becomes easier.
Stop stressing about your Survival. There is abundance in Life. Explore that abundance and stop operating out of your Lust to prove to the world how good you are. Engage with your own life and go with the flow. Life does take care of you.
Do read the blog 3 to 4 times to get best out of it. Apply it and experience. Share your experience. Your responses help many more.
Sameer Kamboj
🌹 🌹 🌹
*top image credit: www.techrepublic.com
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Thanks once again !! Conscious decision-making at the time of starting something new is really important or at the times you are facing challenges in your life. Attachment of the old is not leaving us to move ahead and new things are good and we also had a feeling of fear to start the same. How to move ahead at that time ?? Indecision also gives pain at the same moment. Kindly give your insight on the same.
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Thanks Hemant for your response. You are correct, attachment to the old is caused by our urge for survival. How do we move ahead? I will surely take address this in my future posts.
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Eye opener. Thank you
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“Stop stressing about your Survival. There is abundance in Life.”…
PermalinkThis is my dose for today 🙂
Even after knowing this , still go in mode of survival from time to time, and thus decision making takes a hit..
What is the way where this thought and intent of abundance can be followed and lived through each moment?
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Thanks Chaitanya for your response. Intent of Abundance can be lived only after one has truly realised this concept in their lives. Intellectual or psychological evaluation of this concept does not really help. Hence, we follow a practice of Gyaan Yog that evolves us through a process of Self Realisations, after which there is no turning back, ever.
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SIMPLY REMAIN CHEERFULL. Yes one can is it really possible?? For me one can:
Step 1: Disciplined BE
Step 2: TimeLines can be SET
Step 3: Inclusiveness can be MANAGED
Step 4: Grace CAN BE ADOPTED
Step 5: Expectations CAN BE MADE.
But the most difficult is to remain
1. CHEERFULL Physically
2. CHEERFULL Verbally.
3. Most importantly CHEERFULL EMOTIONALLY.
I give my example:
Recently I decided to remain calm and cool while driving.
3. EMPATHETIC towards others on road.
4. EMOTIONALLY. Not disturbed
You know from last three to four months I was able to get myself do first 2 point consciously. And the only difficulty I am facing is being EMOTIONALLY stable and cheerful.
The effect of this effort is that now I am much relaxed when I reach home and is able to engage with my family more than ever.
Yes Sameer Ji yr right in saying their is abundance of each virtue in life. One has to be ready to receive it. And it takes only one SIMPLE step to be CHEERFUL in all areas of your life.
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Thanks Sandeep for your responses.
PermalinkEmpathy towards others is possible when we are empathetic towards ourselves. In most cases, we are either too harsh or too soft on ourself. Then we behave like this with everyone. Your Gyaan Yog Saadhana helps you remove those tendencies that cause such behaviours. Thereafter, behaviours, attitudes or habits are a natural outcome.
Keep Evolving. 🌹 🌹
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Noted with gratitude. Much obliged to have an insight from the “master himself” .