Diwali – Ignite the Spark Within!
Do YOU have the light within you? A light that leads you? A light that spurs you ahead during dark times? A light that encourages

What Does Navratri Really Signify? Is There More Than What Meets The Eye?
Over the past few days, I have received several messages and communications around Navratri. You would have too. Some are just good wishes, some sound

What Success Really Is?
What is Success? Really, what is it? A question that confounds most right up to their graves. Something that they pursue all their life, with

ACCEPTANCE -Ultimate Failure Or Peak of Evolution
The internet is flooded with endless content on ‘Acceptance’. However, if it was so easy to comprehend it, each of us would have evolved into

Is the #newnormal really new?
How will the post #COVID19 world be like? In her post, Dipti Jain seeks to probe thought leaders to share their views. Yet, our views

What is this Life?
What is this Life really about? As a child, this was the only question that confounded me. No book or a teacher that I met

Your Emotional Intelligence Might Be The Cause Of Your Suffering!
“We all consider ourselves emotionally intelligent. But, Are we

SKC World: 20 Years of Spreading Joy and Consciousness!
20 Years at SKC World have been Joyful for me. What started as an idea in the year 1999 became acceptable to Entrepreneurs in no

The 3 Obstacles To Innovation
The 3 Obstacles to Innovation In my personal experience of working with 1000s of people and organisations, I notice that talent and ideas alone are

Productivity is not a tool, It is a Choice!
Productivity in work and business is an imperative need. Reduced productivity or lack of it can hit really hard and to avoid this, people choose